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Chinese translation for "spinal muscular atrophy"


Related Translations:
ulnar nerve muscular branches:  尺神经肌支
primary diffuse atrophy:  原发性弥漫性萎缩
spinal:  adj.1.【生物学】针的,刺的;棘状突起的。2. 【解剖学】脊骨的,脊柱的,脊髓的。 短语和例子spinal anaesthesia 脊髓(椎)麻醉。 spinal canal 脊管,椎管。 spinal column 脊柱。 spinal cord [marrow] 脊髓。 spinal nerve 【解剖学】(脊)髓神经。n.【医学】脊髓麻醉 (=spinal ana
vestibulo spinal:  前庭脊髓的
spinal irradiation:  脊髓照射
spinal hemiplegia:  脊髓性偏瘫
spinal miosis:  脊髓性瞳孔缩小
spinal manipulation:  脊柱推拿
spinal animal:  脊髓动物
spinal hemiparesis:  脊髓性轻偏瘫
Example Sentences:
1.Familial progressive spinal muscular atrophy
2.Progressive spinal muscular atrophy
3.Prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy based on umbilical cord blood
4.Chronic spinal muscular atrophy
5.Some patients experience only minor symptoms , while others may develop spinal muscular atrophy
6.Conclusion : survival in spinal muscular atrophy type 1 patients has increased in recent years , in relation to the growing trend toward more proactive clinical care
7.A gene implicated in spinal muscular atrophy showed an association in three populations , but not in yoruba from ibadan , nigeria
8.Methods : we used deidentified , family - reported data from participants in the international spinal muscular atrophy patient registry and obtained additional clinical information through a mail - in questionnaire
9.Background : noninvasive ventilation has become increasingly available to spinal muscular atrophy ( sma ) patients since the early 1990s . this is expected to have improved survival for sma type 1 patients
背景:自90年代早期,非侵入性通气越来越广泛的应用于脊肌萎缩症( sma )患者,被认为提高了1型脊肌萎缩症患者的生存率。
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